Top bananas on my head
2 min readSep 18, 2020
- What would you do with one million dollars?
- I would put a banana on my head and go play traffic bingo on highways in the morning.
You know how boring it is to be stuck there? Boring and stressful. Being stuck, motionless in a big box of something we don’t understand, surrounded by people we don’t know and some more of these scary boxes ; that’s quite enough to let out a primal scream of fear and frustration. Our hindbrain is one hundred percent ready to pump in some hormones and neurotransmitters in the system, driving us (not the car) absolutely amok. When stuck in the traffic, we’re nothing but reptiles with reptilian brainsssssss. And for the cinephiles among us, we would happily shout to the other drivers: «Hey! Jack’s medulla oblongata? Chill the fuck out for once!»¹
You know me, I’m always happy to help. I would volunteer to go there. With one million dollars in the bank, I would be merry as Christmas. And what’s more beautiful and fulfilling than going around and sharing the joy?
Imagine, people are stuck, going one hundred feet forward every five minutes, and then they see someone in the car next to them, with a banana peel on its head (and, by the way, it’s good for your wrinkles²). So, they see this peculiar individual and from my point of view, they have three options:
1. They might think: «Wow, that’s someone about to go ballistic like Michael Douglas in this Falling Down movie, I’m glad to be in my car.» That’s relief, right there. Traffic jam is a nice place to be now, safe and sound.
2. They might laugh: «Ahahah, good one!». They might even roll down their windows and shout: «Love you mate! You made my day!». That’s relaxation and social connection, brought to them on a head-plate.
3. They might get excited: «Oh my God! Girl with a banana peel on her head! I have it on my traffic bingo!». That’s guaranteed dopamine release for them. Better than food, sex and drugs, I give you the traffic bingo!
(1) Check out this really cool deck Gemhill! If you come around here, all the best to you!
(2) And many other things. One wouldn’t believe how useful can be a banana peel: