The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging
Once upon a time they stumbled upon a blog that made they dream. The writing was beautiful, wittiness was transpiring from every line and the design had been made by Philippe Starck and Karl Lagerfeld themselves. Here’s what happened next:
First they gave into their GLUTTONY and binged read four years worth of post in two days. Then they succumbed to LUST and somehow managed to have sex with a blog, something they didn’t know was possible, it was even beyond their imagination. Maybe they weren’t the only one but they were just too ashamed to talk with their friends about it.
After this honeymoon blog equivalent, ENVY gripped their neurones. «This blog is really getting a lot of attention, isn’t it? And if they can do it, why can’t I? I’ve got something to tell as well. And it’s more than interesting according to the representative panel I gathered!» GREED was flowing in their veins by then, they badly wanted the hits, the views, the likes and the hordes of faithful followers (coming with thousands of laudatory comments).
And so their blog is up, first posts are coming easy under their keyboard. Fingers are flying, the excitement is there, words filling the blank pages by hundreds. They hit, manically, the write and publish buttons. Everything looks really gorgeous! (Good thing the theme of this first blog was available for free on Wordpress by the way). The PRIDE of first-time parents is glowing all over them. Congratulations!
Little do they know how much WRATH is up next. «WHY, in the Flying Spaghetti Monster name isn’t anybody coming to visit? How come they don’t like these laboriously crafted sentences? Is there something wrong with the Reader’s algorithm?!». A few followers later, they realise good content isn’t such an easy-peasy page blanky endeavour as they thought.
So, here they’re, desperate, at the bottom of the pit, in a very dark place where SLOTH prevails, lonely as hell, dwelling on Carl Jung’s quote and thinking how much he’s right again: “Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself.”
Where will the redemption come from (would they ask if they still had any strength)? From the Seven Heavenly Virtues of Blogging of course!