Loud music filled the room, making it hard to hear anything else. #2
Loud music filled the room, making it hard to hear anything else. That’s how Melvin liked his entrances: deafening. Still unsure of himself, he didn’t allow anyone to talk about anything else but him. The best way he had found to do so was to make it impossible to talk about anything at all. He made sure that all the spots were on him. During his entrance, even the bathroom lights were shut. Some more regular customers had even created a business out of it. They were waiting in the bathroom with flashlights and offering their illuminating services to the poor souls stuck in different stages of relief. They were looking forward to this new venue Melvin had been talking about. The number of stalls in the bathrooms was supposed to be doubled there. That as well might be another of these castles built out of thin air, though. Melvin liked the current location very much and knew that it was too ambitious to aim for doubling the size of his community. His gig was working pretty well as it was right now, bringing more than enough to fulfill all the sizes and shapes of his desires. He was unexpectedly able to stay reasonable sometimes. That was his real talent. He was able to recognize the exact point where the border was crossed. He had been playing on this edge his whole life, delicately pushing the limits, as gentle as a spider casting its net.
Inspired by https://www.thefirstline.com/ winter 2020 issue. Check it out! and check out my other takes on this first line :)