If your goal is too get boosted, I would recommend writing for publications with boosting power (an official - partial - list is here https://blog.medium.com/meet-60-publishers-in-the-boost-nomination-pilot-bb4923442864)
I had a quick look at your profile and you seem interested in the topic of education. You could start a publication dedicated to this topic (don't think it exists (?)) and then ask Medium to become a booster for your niche once you have a few good articles and some followers of the pub (they look for high quality articles in many different niches from what they said). Maybe talk with garyparkerchapin.medium.com about it. From what I read he's into education too.
Also, after a quick look, I think your (recent) titles don't have the Medium feel. At least not the one I associate with boosted stories.
Hope this helps!
(and thanks to the person who recommended my profile :D)