Member-only story

Black Friday Boost Bonanza By Smillew

Bull (‘s Eyes)

By the power of Black Friday, I grant myself boosting powers

Smillew Rahcuef


Ryan Klemek writes dinosaur erotica (it’s true), erotica, and some weird short stories that I love. My favorite pieces of his are the ones he submits to the Furious Fiction contest organized by the Australian Writers Center. I would have shortlisted this one.

This story is part of the Black Friday Boost Bonanza by Smillew. If you want to binge-read everything, check out the tag Black Friday By Smillew, and if you want to take your time, save this list, and you will be notified each time I add a story there (one story per day during the next 24 days).

And for more c.r.a.z.y. Black Friday Deals, follow me on X (Twitter) or Substack.



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