PinnedPublished inThe PubWhich Lipstick Are You Wearing Today?Introducing the Smillew Lipstick Challenge with cash prizes!Nov 2253Nov 2253
Published inThe Pub25+ Windows Browsers Keyboard Shortcuts That Will 10x Your Workflow Productivity(Kidding, it won’t do anything to your workflow productivity, but shortcuts are fun)3d ago193d ago19
Published inPragmatic WisdomHow Imitating Superstar Authors Can Help You as a WriterCase in point: this articleNov 2618Nov 2618
Published inBetterMoolahHow to Get Over Your Ethics and Start Making MoneyEthics is such an old-world concept. It’s time to embrace the billionaire mindset.Nov 2529Nov 2529
Published inThe PubWhy I Added You as a WriterThe answer is simple. It’s because you asked.Nov 2323Nov 2323
Published inCareer PathsTo Be or Not to Be: How Shakespeare Helped Me Win Big as an Early-Stage Venture Capitalist“Now is the winter of our discontent”Nov 2013Nov 2013
Published inTeaser Tales“What Is Knowledge and How We Know It?”I’ve been living with this question for decades now.Nov 1812Nov 1812